Arthur Egendorf

Hi, I'm Artie also known as Arthur and have recently changed my last name from Egendorf to VIPPERLA, ("loving-wisdom" in Hindi), which I have been guided to on Kabbalistic principles. lly more wise, loving power

Energy's Way is a new fusion practice, body, mind and spirit, for realizing our essence as cosmic being. This fusion came during after 42 years of studying practicing and teaching a wide range of such body, mind, spirit disciplines.  I'm making basic instruction in the practice and theory available free, online at   Please help yourself liberally and pass it on. Meeting Live Some people supplement their personal and professional development by meeting live with me, face to face, or online.  Those who do typically experience a striking increase in wise, loving power even beyond the practices I teach for self-study.  I can't know what that would be specifically for you, but here's an approximation: -- Visions, insights and realizations become dramatically more  full & frequent  –You connect with, touch and uplift others more readily as well –Your intent, words and deeds impact people and events like never before Informally, I've noticed that those who are most drawn to live work tend to be unusually talented, thoughtful, and stand out in various ways.  Usually they are looking for someone who “gets” them in all their stature and can readily see ways they can fill out that stature even more. Sound like you? If so, how’s this: All I do now is informed by energy. Not energy as a metaphor, as in “s/he has good energy.” After decades of training and practice (PhD in psych, Aikido, Reiki, meditation, yoga, qigong, Feldenkrais), I’m now certified in Pranic Healing and am able to direct and feel energy in my hands. As we meet I will often test or “scan” for all kinds of things–how well you’re nourished (or not), what signals are coming from your highest wisdom as opposed to your gut, and endlessly more. Being able to feel energy, and show others to do the same, radically boosts our capacities to draw down wise, loving power. So while colleagues in related fields talk about “creating ppossibility” and cheer others on to do so, we’ll open all that as direct experience–you’ll actually come to feel possibility, as energizing openings. And while phrases like “deep dive” have become popular among coaches, I’ll show you quite concretely how to reach into the subtlest layers of how you close down, hide, fight, go numb or turn off most of all to yourself. All the better to free you into being you beyond any identity you can readily name. We’ll go way past what is commonly turned up by reflecting on your thoughts or processing your emotions. We’ll do some of that, but way deeper than thought, feeling, or any mere “talking about” can reach. How? By following where energy leads, and also by guiding you in “hearing” how you “speak” in your “original mother tongue”–which is very subtle, physical expression. Much more subtly than what we know as “body language,” all of us, at every moment are commenting on how life is by the ways we embody who we are. Many many techniques for “getting in touch with the body” can be helpful. But ultimately, as I’ll show you, “there is no ‘THE BODY.” Wherever you are, there’s only you, and how you are with you, all the way in past your masks, and down past your deepest emotions, and back to your earliest learnings of how to cope with living. And the more YOU FIND YOU in this sense, the more you open to energy, in all Her expressions–especially Her three great clusters: – wisdom (highest intelligence, awareness, insight),– love (connection, charisma, compassion),– power (impactful action through commitment, focus, follow through). So I refer to the work I do as Energy’s Way. For this way became revealed when energy so filled me that I had to recognize Energy as my most immediate great source, teacher and guide. More and more of us foresee that we, human beings, are entering the Energy Age. So especially if you are someone who already lives and inspires others from a leading edge, or know it is your destiny to get out there, you can hardly do better than apprentice yourself to Energy’s Way. And it will be my joy and privilege to join in as a friend who will also accompany you and be a guide. And what will it be like to work with me? I can’t know ahead of time, of course. But I will say that only if you very quickly experience our meeting as deeply rewarding will we continue. More concretely, I’ll likely be one of the rare ones who looks in your eye (live, Skype, Google+), listens to your words, and reads your energy (whether or not I see or hear you) and GETS you. That will be our ever present point of departure. And then all else will unfold. For my specialty is to CHANNEL YOU TO YOU How, How Long, and How much: First, go to my website please, at and clik "meet live" where all you've just read also appears, but with a difference: there's a form at the bottom of that page with a few simple questions.  Fill it out, click send, and I will reply as soon as I can to schedule a complimentary 20 minute consultation.  Then, if we click, we schedule a series of meetings. I can’t hope to do justice to you, uniquely, with a small set of pre-fab packages. Only after we talk will we know how to go forward. My fees are set on a sliding scale. And yes, discounts for people who want to set goals, establish a regularity and flow. All of that depends on you. :BIO FROM In a nutshell: I’m a Harvard grad, Vietnam vet, ex-spy, turned psychologist, award winning author, turned energy healer, and after 40+ years doing & guiding others in body-mind-spirit disciplines I’m channeling a new way for the good guys (more and more women) to take power on earth. Now for the not so rosy part. Life as a seeker began a few months after I came back from Vietnam. As a 25 year old, lean & mean survivor of a year in the war zone, months at a time of nightly rocket attacks, I began to crack. Totally surprised that anything could get to me, I’d break into tears daily. Before long, reading psych books, I realized I was beginning to grieve for people and a place I didn’t have time or the guts to care about when I was there. Then came the question, “What to do now?” I tried to write the full version of the question in a journal, but took weeks before I could get down the words, “now that I’ve taken part in state sanctioned mass murder.” So not used to getting mushy about anything, I was embarrassed as well as often doubled over. That question ate a hole through me. Months of crying passed before an answer came. “Spend this life learning to be human, help one person at a time, and when I find out how, pitch in to help create a world that makes war outmoded.” Actually, the answer came and went, often chased away by a nasty inner critic who snarled, “Who the f – – – do you think you are? You?” And “Put an end to war? Prophets have been calling for that for thousands of years! What do you think YOU can do for such a lost cause?” So, high hopes and gnawing doubt – the story of much of this life ever since. Out of the urge to avoid turning folks off with terrible news I often emphasize the high points. Here are a few good ones: While working toward a PhD in psych I also: – coordinated the first veteran self-help groups in NYC – persuaded the National Council of Churches to support veterans’ self-help nationally – testified repeatedly before Congress until they funded a national study of the war’s impact Then, having initiated the study years before I served as the coordinating author. “Legacies of Vietnam” arrived in Congress in early 1981, with the first national data on PTSD, and Outreach to Vets was the only social program extended in the beginning of the Reagan Administration. Four years later, after writing daily, “Healing from the War” appeared and won an award for “affirming the highest human values” – to quote the Christopher Society’s notice in the NY Times. TV, radio and media appearances followed (“People Magazine” had already done a piece when “Legacies” was done). But I knew: war wouldn’t be ending anytime soon. The revolution in Iran already had resulted in American hostages and a failed rescue mission. US forces were already fighting with “the contras” in Central America. My inner critic loved to rub all that in: “See? I told you so!” Every day of writing also meant battling the inner critic’s, “Really, what do you think THIS is going to do?” I had learned to push through, draw encouragement from buddies, recommit as best I could over and over to get it done. The book did manage to weave my personal journey, and vignettes from lives of other veterans, with the psychology, philosophy, spirituality of healing and the politics and history of the Vietnam War and ALL war. And a generation later “Healing from the War” is the “fave” of the award winning founder of the website – Lily Casura. She urged me to update and reissue it for the new generation of vets after Iraq and Afghanistan. For years I said “no” – thinking I had nothing new to add, and mostly, unable to counter the “inner critic” yelling dubiously, “What good will THAT do?” Then one day a revelation came. But that’s jumping ahead of the story. First, another very hard spell crashed in. 9/11. It hit me harder than I realized at the time. Then the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq made it worse. All my post-Vietnam symptoms flooded back. Like right after my own war, I was confused for some time. Couldn’t think, feel, let alone say clearly what was wrong. Later I could tell. The critic had been screaming in my head, “Your whole life is pointless, pure failure!” When that got through I had to do something. I left my suburban life and a 25 year marriage, and took up an intense program of working on myself. I ramped up my already 30 year old practices – yoga, meditation, 12 steps, body work & therapy. Before long I got certified as a personal trainer, then as an energy healer (Pranic Healing), and after that as a teacher of the subtlest form of body awareness and movement I know, an offshoot of the work originated by Moshe Feldenkrais. The one idea that was clear: I’d never be able to do for anyone else what I hadn’t yet done for myself. A decade passed. Then, one morning I got up from devotions and found myself improvising a dance, far more patient and slow than anything I’d do intentionally. It was love at first contact. Subtle, supple yet so intensely joyful that a smile spread over me from head to toe. Every identifiable body part melting into dynamic synchrony with every other. “Reading the energy” with these energy healer hands corroborated the “this is amazing!” feeling with a scan of how intense and unprecedented for me that downpour was. From then on it’s been a daily practice and study. Often I take notes, engage in trial & error to see what works better, or increases energy flow even more. Also I’ve been experimenting in hundreds of trials with friends and clients. Continually searching for how best to teach this practice I learn from you who read these pages, take these courses, and seek out personal meetings. My personal testimonial to the power of this practice? The inner critic still pops off from time to time, but no longer screams. And I’m launching a new career while classmates from high school and college are retiring to the golf course. Energy’s Way is an answer to a prayer, a gift for sharing. Please help yourself liberally. Then pass it on. Thanks. Blessings. Artie   (only if you are a most super avid fan do you need to read the following -- it's the same HISTORY, only an earlier, less snappy version, a few more details): How did Artie Egendorf discover "Energy's Way"?  Like all who’ve traveled the low, hard road, with intermittent high points, Arthur - Artie Egendorf, took the long way around.  You won’t have to follow that route, unless you’re also a charter member of the tough nut club.   What were the instructions I followed?  Here are a few: Artie Egendorf, you are to begin with having enough horror crash in on your life that afterwards survival no longer belongs to you.  Vietnam.   Artie Egendorf, the light-hearted name from before the war, fell way.  The heavy Arthur Egendorf took over.  And so did some new clarity.  I'd be spending the rest of this life learning how to be human, giving a hand to one person at a time until the day I was in shape enough to aid many more.   Next, "Artie, you've got no choice but to go all out!"   So, Arthur Egendorf got a doctorate in clinical psychology, and on the side persuaded the National Council of Churches then the U.S. Congress to back a national study of the war’s impact on his fellow ex-soldiers. The research team Arthur Egendorf had organized got the results on every desk in the Senate and Congress so that Outreach to Vietnam veterans became the only social program extended in the first months of the Reagan Administration. Conclusions from "the Egendorf study" hit the front page of the New York Times, the Washinton Post, the Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine, Newsweek, and interviews both in People Magazine and with Larry King Live. Then, Arthur Egendorf spent four years writing everything he knew into a book, “Healing from the War.”   Critically, that work did well.  The Christopher Association recognized it as deserving notice in the New York Times for “affirming the highest human values.” Once that was done, Arthur Egendorf went to raise three children thinking that he'd closed a chapter.   Time passed.  Three children reached their teens.  And then Bush invades Iraq and Afghanistan.  Without realizing what hit him, Arthur Egendorf who marked the new century by calling himself Artie again in hopes of lightening up, began showing signs of severe stress.   Just as it was coming back from the war the first time.  Sleep got worse.  Sudden outbursts.  Moods got heavy, along with the sudden unexmplained tears that plagued his early years after coming back.    People in his suburban neighborhood chalked it up to midlife crisis.  He was slow to make the connections himself, only he soon realized that he belonged elsewhere, doing other things.  So he left the suburbs and a 25 year relationship, became the non-custodial parent, and began looking for new ways to heal. He went back to basics, seeking support from groups known to insiders as "friends of Dr. Bob and Bill W."  Then, to get in physical shape, he went for certification as a personal trainer, ramping up an already 30 year practice of yoga, meditation, prayer, than ever before.  Then, as the classic phrase goes, the student was ready and a teacher appeared -- in the form of Pranic Healing, an updating of the ancient energy healing arts from around the world in a streamlined, carefully tested synthesis by chemical engineer and energy master Choa Kok Sui.  Artie took every course and received certification in 2010.   Restless to find ways to aid people in becoming more receptive to healing energies, Artie began experimenting.  Among the ways he tried was an approach learned decades before taught by Moshe Feldenkrais, in perhaps the subtlest discipline for using awareness to awaken graceful movement.  Artie found that many ways to intervene can help people open more.   In fact, all good work seems to improve people's energy or at least receptivity to it.  But nothing seemed as simple, deeply caring, unforced and direct as the Feldenkrais approach.  So Artie sought professional training with Feldenkrais's foremost students including Jeff Haller, David Berson and Anat Baniel.  A year into that intensive training Artie got up from devotions one morning and noticed he wasn't just moving.  His body was dancing, on its own.  Checking for whether more energy came that way he was astonished to find a vast stream.   His curiousity through the roof, he quickly tried hundreds of ways to experiment, explore, and test the courtship of moving, energy, and using prayer, vocalized sound, meditation all in combination, with himself and scores of others.   Before long came the full emergence of "Energy's Way" -- a new fusion that dramatically upgrades the great paths to the highest energies. Artie Egendorf now teaches ways for people to carry out these moves of Enregy's Way, in body, mind, soul and spirit.  Using the ability taught in Pranic Healing to read energy with hands, he keeps corroborating the astounding impact of Energy's Way on people's energy in as little as a few minutes.   People who practice regularly grow energetically at such a pace that their RATE of growth increases every time they do the practice diligently. Yes, I love fellow war vets.  Hopefully, many will find their way here and to Energy's Way, especially now with the growing acceptance of meditation and yoga as ways to reduce stress.  Ultimately, this work belongs to  veterans of life.  Everyone.   Each fellow human deserves to look forward to arising every new day, with an effortless way to ease the body, clear the mind and send the spirit soaring.   Let's dream together.  Before long Energy's will rank as essential personal care along with washing hands and brushing teeth.  Teachers won't start class until everyone has done a few wondrously clarifying, grounding, care inducing minutes of this practice.   And when that day comes, we'll be making strides on our collective way to creating the only true antidote to a war torn world, a global culture of caring for life. Thanks to all The Great Ones and Unpronounceable Mystery for these gifts of life, its challenges and ways to serve.  

Arthur Egendorf's Background

Arthur Egendorf's Experience

Coach - Healer - Mentor at BodySoulSpiritCare

November 1977

Let our working together bring greater ease, joy and power for good from the highest energies. Background: I've been blending doctoral training in clinical psychology with focusing, Feldenkrais moves, Reiki, Tibetan, Anthroposophical and Kabbalistic meditation since the late 1970's (studied personally with Gene Gendlin, Moshe Feldenkrais, Chogyam Trungpa, and Georg Kuhlewind). Also ECA certified personal trainer, Certified Associate Pranic Healer, Arhatic Yogi Level 2, and now in Professional Training with Anat Baniel, and courses with Jean Huston and Craig Hamilton. Published early work: And:

Faculty of Dept of Psychiatry at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine

| New York, NY

Clinical Adjunct Profession

Member at President's Commission on Mental Health

| Washington, DC

Arthur Egendorf's Education

Yeshiva University

1971 – 1977


Harvard University

1962 – 1966


Concentration: Economics, magna cum laude

Arthur Egendorf's Interests & Activities

Pranic Healing, Arhatic Yoga, work inspired by Moshe Feldenkrais, Planetary Meditation for Peace, Kabbala, Torah Study, caring for children, and fellow seekers asking for a hand with life.

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